Company Profile

About Us

Company Profile

Bartronics is a leading IT services & business solution provider delivering cutting edge technology solutions to enterprises. Bartronics is listed company on the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange in India.

Building on more than 24 years of experience, we add value to organizations through a synergy of skills, technology insight, innovation, products and services that orchestrate our customer’s business to perfection. Our expertise bridges the gap between the businesses and IT and offers detailed, process-driven solutions enabling our customers to enhance productivity and achieve better ROI.

The true hallmark of a successful solutions provider is the ability to approach the client with innovations that impact the business bottom line through an incisive understanding of the business domain the organization operates in. At Bartronics, we leverage the combined expertise of our domain experts and technology specialists to deliver solutions in a manner that produces tangible, positive outcomes for our customers.

Our forte lies in our ability to anticipate market trends and evolve technologies that deliver value to our customers’ business. Our capabilities span the entire product life cycle enabling us to deliver holistic, comprehensive and relevant solutions.

What Makes Us Different

In a World driven by technology, it’s not what we do that stakes our claim to success but rather how we do things which determines our leadership in our area of competence.

Our holistic solution approach offers customers confidence in investing and initiating innovative business processes for prompt, accurate and secure data capture and mobile computing needs. We offer a winning mix of technology expertise and cutting-edge domain knowledge that make our solutions relevant, effective and impacting.

Our Technical Edge

For businesses, our technical competence comes as a “single-window’ solution provider, capable of taking up engagements and projects of varying scale and magnitude. Right from system integration, offering solutions to a particular requirement or custom development, we approach every project differently, effectively creating the perfect match between our technical competence and the requirement at hand.

Strong collaborations with our partners along with an in-house Centre of Excellence provide competencies for engineering Pioneering Solutions in our areas of expertise.

Our Global Delivery Model (GDM)

Bartronics has a proven Global Delivery Model supported by global team of professionals, integrated quality processes and robust technology infrastructure. Our proven knowledge management, training and talent development processes creates highly skilled distributed teams capable of addressing challenges across all time cycles and zones. Our GDM provides distributed delivery models including offshore, onsite, near-shore and blended models to meet the specific requirements of customers.